Thursday, October 22, 2009

"there, their, they're"

I know that I possibly sound like a giant asshole when I say that it irks me so when people do not use "there, their, they're" correctly. It's just that I was a Reading Club Tutor in high school & was able to teach eight to ten year-old children to properly use it. Whether or not they're still properly using it, who knows but that's their high school English teachers' problem now, ha. This unnecessary hatred towards laziness (which is what I hope it actually is, instead of just plain ignorance) makes me want to post comments on everyone's status updates on facebook that I come across with an asterisk, noting the incorrect usage. I'm not a stickler for other mishaps of the usage in the English language & I know that I make plenty of syntactic errors myself. So, sorry... If I ever cringe at the sight of your "there", when you clearly meant "they're", I believe it's just very good conditioning on the part of the Reading Club Staff.

p.s. here's a short guide on it's proper usage.
p.s.s. Wheeeeeee, first blog entry. Although, sorry again. I'm not a pompous bitch, promise.